Thank you for choosing the services of the Quebec Adapted Sailing Association. We ask your understanding and cooperation in order to preserve your safety and health as well as ours. We therefore ask that you read and sign the following WRITING CONSENT FORM.
I, _____________________, declare that I intend to use the activities, facilities, programs and services offered by the Quebec Adapted Sailing Association and the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club. It is understood that each person's ability to participate in such programs, activities and services is different. I am aware that all programs, activities and services offered are educational, recreational or self-directed in nature. During and after my participation, I assume full responsibility for my choices regarding the use or application, at my own risk, of any information or instruction received.
I understand that the risk involved in participating in an activity or program depends in part on my physical condition and state of health (physical, mental or emotional) as well as the awareness, caution and skills I exercise during that activity or program. I understand that I am free to cancel, reduce or modify my participation in any program or activity and I am aware that I should do so if I notice signs of dizziness, loss of consciousness, chest discomfort, leg cramps, nausea, etc.
In addition, I understand that the activities, services and programs offered by the Quebec Adapted Sailing Association are sometimes conducted by trained volunteers but not necessarily by licensed, certified or certified instructors or professionals. I accept that the qualifications of staff and volunteers vary according to their training and experience and that staff or volunteers providing these services do not claim to provide assessment or treatment for any mental or physical condition or illness. However, AQVA is committed to conducting criminal background checks on all employees or volunteers who encounter sailors.
I acknowledge that I have made inquiries about the nature of the activities, programs and services with which I am not familiar, and I acknowledge that I have been informed of any inherent risks.
Finally, I consent to photos of all individuals in the group being taken during the activity for the purpose of being used on social media, the website or printed for publicity purposes.
I declare that I have read, understand, and agree to the entire contents of this WITNESSED CONSENT FORM.